Canvas or Framed Prints?

When to pick stretched canvas over framed printing?
When decorating a room, stretched canvas is a very versatile option.

  • No coloured frames that have to be matched properly with the room surrounding.
  • The vibrant pop of colour easily creates a focal point in a room.
  • The rough texture adds a colour depth to the print that is not achievable by paper.
  • No glare, no reflection on the print.
  • Light weight, easy installation u0026amp; transportation.
  • Safe (the lack of glass, which can get heavy in bigger prints)
  • Depending on the type of canvas chosen, the expected life span can go up to decades or centuries!
  • As print size gets bigger (generally above A3), the cost are considerably lesser than the framing option.

Should we always print canvas then?
Of course not! It really depends on the use, but there are advantages to printing on paper / framing up too.

  • Printing was made for paper – the smooth surface can depict sharper and more details.
  • Frames can have the photo swapped out easily ; Canvas prints are permanent – thus careful selection of image is advised when printing canvas.
  • The texture of canvas are ideal for art, but depending on the image / photo, the texture can end up being a distraction instead.